LoRaWAN Wireless Modbus Sensor

LoRaIOT is a rugged IOT device which communicates unidirectionally over a LoRaWAN network. It has a built in RS485 Modbus Master port. The Modbus Module is used for reading data from a Modbus Slave device and send it over LoRAwan at periodic intervals. The number of registers should be limited to 16 . The device is 24 VDC Powered. The mod bus module can be polled at 1 min or more interval, data is sent by device to LoRA gateway, which could be upto 4 km away in open areas or upto 2 Km in urban areas. The wireless communication is via LoRaWAN protocol. Data is available from Gateways thru RESTAPI/ HTTP/ MQTT protocol over LAN TCP/IP.


  • Compatible with LoRaWAN protocol
  • PWR: 10-30VDC
  • Built-in antenna
  • Device configuration thru TTL serial port
  • Transmits Data Sequence No., Modbus data string
  • Compatible with LoRaWAN gateways, Cloud based Dashboard available